
We believe that preservation is the future of buildings,

not just the past.

We envision modern spaces that retain our island character and charm, and adapt the old for generations to come. We stand for unlocking potential, not trapping things in time and for understanding a building’s original use to better design its re-use. We believe in shaping change that lasts.

At MASON, we are redefining preservation, one storied place at a time.

Meet the Team

Sustainability & Preservation

We believe sustainability is at the core of what we do.

Older buildings are testaments to living sustainably, designed to be simpler in function, durable in construction and responsive to microclimatic conditions. We retain and adapt existing buildings for contemporary use, fostering cohesion between people and place while advancing our community's role in the battle against climate change.

New construction has the power to establish sustainable design as an essential component of design instead of distinguishing it as an optional upgrade. We learn from the lessons older buildings taught us and advocate for design that’s responsive to place; utilize non-toxic and environmentally conscious materials; and select building systems that increase efficiency and make fiscal sense to our clients.


American Institute of Architects, Honolulu Chapter

Award of Merit

Lanai Theater Renovation, 2015

Restoration of Hawaiian Hall, 2010

Kaumakapili Church, Sanctuary Restoration, 2004

Adaptive Reuse of the Former Masonic Hall Building, Hilo, Hawaii 1998

Adaptive Reuse of the Former Circuit Courthouse, Wailuku, Maui, 1994

Sustainability Award of Excellence

Haleakala Comfort Station, 2004

Members' Choice Award

Puukohola Heiau Visitor Center, 2007

Honorable Mention for Historic Preservation, Interior Architecture

Former Advertiser Building Renovation for Hawaiian Dredging and Construction Company, 2017

Building Industry Association of Hawaii

Historic Hawaii Foundation

Historic Preservation Honor Awards

McKinley High School Senior Core building (Building W), 2020

Lanai City Housing, 2020

The Filipino Community Center’s Rehabilitation, 2019

Kilauea Elementary School Building B Rehabilitation, 2019

Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church Renovations, 2019

Kunia Village Housing Development Rehabilitation, 2018

Washington Place Galleries Rehabilitation and Restoration, 2018

Ford Island Building 39 Window Restoration, 2018

Concrete, Masonry, and Metal Structures Repair and Maintenance Manual for Historic Facilities, JBPHH, 2018

Ewa Community Church Restoration, 2017

GRACE Center at the historic Bond District, 2017

Lanai Hospice and Physical Therapy Office, 2017

Eligibility Assessment Forms for Naval Air Station Barbers Point Parcels 1-16, 2017

Treatment Guidelines for Historic Facilities at JBPHH for Commander, Navy Region Hawaii, 2017

Na Kupuna Makamae Center at Kaka‘ako Pump Station, 2017

Iolani Palace Fence, Gate & Royal Tomb Preservation, 2016

Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam Building 434 Rehabilitation, 2016

Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Fire Station #2, Building 680 Rehabilitation, 2016

Lanai Theater Restoration, 2015

Schofield Barracks Quad D Buildings 450 & 451 Rehabilitation, 2015

Shangri La Mughal Suite Restoration, 2015

Washington Place Queen's Gallery Restoration, 2015

Bishop Museum Pacific Hall Restoration, 2014

Ford Island Center for Excellence Building 76 Rehabilitation, 2014

NOAA Inouye Regional Center New Addition & Adaptive Use, 2014

Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Building 155 Rehabilitation, 2014

Shangri La Jali Pavilion Restoration, 2014

Restoration of Davies Hall & Adjacent Cloister, Cathedral of St. Andrew, 2013

Interior restoration of Paschoal Hall at Kalaupapa, 2012

Rehabilitation of 15 and 25 N. Hotel Street, Chinatown, 2012

Rehabilitation of Hickam Non-select Historic Homes, 2012

Rehabilitation of Hilo Federal Building & Post Office, 2012

Restoration of Kauai County Building, 2012

Restoration of Lunalilo Tomb, 2012

Stabilization and restoration of the Ford Island Control Tower, 2012

Rehabilitation of the Community Center at Hickam Field, 2011

Rehabilitation of the Eisenhower House at the Heleloa Historic Hilltop Neighborhood, 2011

Rehabilitation of Facility 30, a historic Nob Hill Home, Ford Island, 2011

Restoration of Selected Homes at Hickam AFB, 2011

Repair of Earthquake Damage to Kalahikiola Congregational Church, 2010

Restoration of Kauai County Building Annex, 2010

Hulihe’e Palace Earthquake Repairs and Kitchen Reconstruction, 2010

Repair and Restoration of the Duplex at 1 Kamakani Place, Makalapa, 2010

Rehabilitation and Conversion of the Makalapa Duplexes, 2010

Restoration of Hawaiian Hall Complex, Bishop Museum, 2009

Rehabilitation of Historic Pam Am Housing, Pearl City Peninsula, 2009

Rehabilitation of Quad E, Schofield Barrracks, 2008

Restoration of Exterior Decorative Painting, Shangri-La Playhouse, 2007

Adaptive Reuse of Buildings 251/252, Pearl Harbor, 2005

Historic Context Study and Repair & Maintenance Manual for Historic Military Housing, 2005

Renovation of Officers Quarters at Palm Circle, 2005

Kaumakapili Church, Sanctuary Restoration, 2004

Restoration of Queen Lili'uokalani's Bedroom, Washington Place, 2004

Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art: Adaptive Reuse of Shangri-La, 2003

Marine Barracks Adaptive Reuse of Three Buildings and Preservation Plan (with Helber Hastert & Fee), 1999

Renovation of Former Masonic Hall, 1997

Walker Estate, 1995

Former Wailuku Courthouse, 1991

Preservation Commendation

Integrated Cultural Resources Database, 2013

Documenting Damage at Building 1102, 2012

Historic Assets Management Process Project, 2012

Wooden Structures Repair Manual & Training, 2012

Wake island Historic American Landscapes Survey, 2012

Nomination of Tantalus/Round Top Drive to Hawaii Register, 2008

Preservation Media Award

"Fort Kamehameha Documentary," 2015

"A Waikiki Icon," 2015

Ala Moana Center Architectural History Panels, 2015

St. Augustine by the Sea’s Damien/Marianne Heritage Center Exhibits, 2012


MASON is Hawaii's foremost firm combining architecture, historic consulting, and sustainability. First founded in 1978, the firm is now a thriving multi-disciplined small business and women owned firm. The firm's long history and the large volume of our preservation work is indicated by its cumulative experience of over 250 years in this field. Many team members are knowledgeable specialists in historic preservation and sustainability.


Spencer Limited was founded by Spencer Leineweber, FAIA.


Glenn Mason, AIA, joins Spencer Limited.


Spencer and Glenn form Spencer Mason Architects located in the heart of Chinatown.


Mason Architects was founded as a successor firm to Spencer Mason Architects and moves to the historic Stangenwald building on Merchant Street.


John becomes a Principal.


Barbara becomes a Principal.


Glenn Mason joins the elite AIA College of Fellows, one of the highest honors that can be conferred on an American architect.


Celebrates 20th anniversary as Mason Architects, Inc.


Joy becomes a Principal.


Polly and Melanie are both elevated to Associate.


Warren is elevated to Associate.


Melanie becomes a Principal.


Andrea is elevated to Associate.


John is named President of MASON.

He replaces the former president, Glenn Mason, who will be focusing his efforts on specific projects for the firm.


Polly becomes a Principal.


Andrea becomes a Principal.

Hawaiian Language

We recognize the significance of diacritical markings in written Hawaiian as pronunciation guides, but have opted not to use them on the MASON site since they display inconsistently across various computer platforms/browsers.

Consult these sources for diacritically accurate Hawaiian spellings:

  • Hawaiian Dictionary, Revised and Enlarged Edition, by Mary Kawena Pukui and Samuel H. Elbert (UH Press)
  • Place Names of Hawaii, Revised and Expanded Edition, by Mary Kawena Pukui, Samuel H. Elbert and Esther T. Mookini (UH Press)

These references can also be found online via the Hawaiian electronic library Ulukau .

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