With the stated purpose of the 6E review process “to promote the use and conservation of historic properties for the education, inspiration, pleasure and enrichment of the citizens of Hawaii,” MASON works with engineering and planning firms, developers and commercial property owners, and architecture and archeological firms to achieve this end.
While our HRS 6E services vary by project, they typically include building evaluations, assessments of the proposed work’s effects, and additional work if the project has an adverse effect on historic resources. If SHPD requests, under HRS 6E, mitigation of the adverse effects we can prepare any of these products. On behalf of owners, we also prepare the mitigation materials requested by SHPD under HRS 6E, which could include developing HABS/HAER documentation, historic context studies, or interpretive materials.
Our historic architects also provide guidance on ways to minimize and mitigate adverse effects to historic buildings through design modifications that are in line with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
Hawaii Preparatory Academy, Waimea, Hawaii