Rehabilitation, Renovation
The primary goals are to make it a modern office building which complies with current life safety, security, and accessibility standards; is energy efficient; provides flexible and resilient office spaces to accommodate military units on a variety of missions; protect and feature its historical significance; and improve the quality of life for its occupants and visitors.
Because the historic 3-story, 14-wing, 2,000 occupant, 550,000-square-foot facility had to be occupied throughout construction, MASON’s architectural services were meticulously planned and thoughtfully executed. Our work included the Basis of Design, preparation of construction documents, consultant coordination and construction administration. We also served as architect, historic architect, and design quality control manager for five of the project’s seven design-build phases to date. Throughout our seven-year involvement with the Repair Program, we have partnered closely with general contractors Caddell Construction Co., Nan, Inc., Insight Pacific, Inc., and Allied Pacific Builders, Inc.; Naval Facilities Hawaii who managed the contract; and Chief of Staff Facilities who programmed every phase of the repair and served as the users’ representative throughout.
Historic aerial image of the former barracks at Hickam Air Field, Building 1102
Association of General Contractors of America
JLT Build America Award, 2015
Category Winner: Federal & Heavy Renovation
Preserved and painted bomb damaged wall areas from the 1941 Pearl Harbor attack.